- With AbFabFit Club ladies only gym you can become FITTER, HEALTHIER and HAPPIER from either of our gyms or the safety of your own home.
- Our mission is to empower women to create lasting lifelong changes to their mind, body & health!
- We have two amazing LADIES GYMS covering areas Epping, Harlow, Loughton, Waltham Abbey, Chingford, Enfield, Cheshunt, Ongar, Nazeing, North Weald, Sawbridgeworth, Bishops Stortford, Takeley & Dunmow areas!

With regular training, nutrition coaching, and support we will help you achieve the goals you have dreamed of. We work extensively alongside you; helping, encouraging, and supporting you every step of the way.
Do you start out strong? Every Monday you begin the week telling yourself that this week you CAN do it. That this is the week you will finally emerge a slimmer and fitter you.
Monday starts well, you’re feeling really strong but by the middle of the week, things are beginning to slip, and then by the time Thursday arrives you get invited out to dinner, and before you know it you’ve eaten out Saturday and then enjoying Sunday dinner. “I’ll start again Monday” I hear you say.
- Is that all too familiar?
- Does something always knock you off-plan?
- Are you constantly starting your diet tomorrow?
- Does it all seem so easy on paper?
I had all these concerns and more. Every week was a new week and I would try so hard to start the week well but by hump Wednesday I could feel it slipping away. I’d lose a llb and then I’d put it on again. Going up and down on the scales regularly.
It doesn’t have to be this way, you can control your body, your weight, and your mind. We can help you do this and we guarantee it.
Jaine Alderson – Founder

Join Our 6 Week Transformation Plan
Unlimited fully coached sessions per week so that you never have to train alone
Nutrition coaching and support so that you know and understand what to eat & when. We’ll cut the confusion
Group of like minded ladies so that you can share your journey with people just like you
Accountability, coaching and guidance to make sure you get the results you deserve
Guaranteed results or your money back
Our members love to get their weekend workouts done! Here’s to a new week of setting goals and having fun! 💚
#fitness #thisgirlcan #outdoortraining #freshair #feelinggreat #8weektransformation #happy #moving #motivation #ladiesonly #fitatanyage #8weektransformation #abfabfitclub #ladiesonly #fitclub #thornwood #walthamabbey #chingford #cheshunt #enfield #harlow #epping #bodytransformation #essexfitness #eppingfitness ...
Hands up who worked out today ..?? Our members did !! .. have a good weekend ladies .#thisgirlcan #feelinggood #motivation #fitnessjourney #fitforlife #fitatanyage #groupfitness #6weekchallenge #ladiesonlyfitness #walthamabbey #thornwood #bishopsstortford ...
We have classes from 6am until 8pm every day and weekends too … giving our members lots of opportunity to get their workouts done … #groupfitness #freshair #motivation #fitnessjourney #feelinggood #thisgirlcan #fitatanyage #fitforlife #outdoorfitness #fitat50 #ladiesonlygym #6weekchallenge #walthamabbey #thornwood #eppingfitnessclass #essexmums #bishopsstortford #harlow #cheshuntmums #chingford ...
Every day we get testimonials back from our members on the 6 week challenge, we really do our very best to help you get great results. Join Today… bonus week given on the back to school challenge. Text RESULTS TO 07401158111 ...
Exercise doesn’t just change your body … it changes your mind, your attitude and your mood … #feelinggood #freshair #motivation #fitnessjourney #thisgirlcan #positivethinking #6weekchallenge #ladiesonlygym #groupfitness #walthamabbey #essexfitness #thornwood #eppingmums #bishopsstortford #harlow #chingford #cheshunt #enfield ...
Some days we like to get all the toys out! Yesterday was circuits and our members got stuck in and smashed the workout! Whats your favourite workout? Comment below: 👇👇👇
#55 #thisgirlcan #outdoortraining #freshair #feelinggreat #8weektransformation #happy #moving #motivation #ladiesonly #fitatanyage #8weektransformation #abfabfitclub #ladiesonly #fitclub #thornwood #walthamabbey #chingford #cheshunt #enfield #harlow #epping #bodytransformation #essexfitness #eppingfitness ...
Focus, determination and consistency gets results. One year on and this member is reaping the rewards! Amazing strength, visceral fat down 7 points, muscle mass up! That’s what we call results!
#fitness #thisgirlcan #outdoortraining #freshair #feelinggreat #8weektransformation #happy #moving #motivation #ladiesonly #fitatanyage #8weektransformation #abfabfitclub #ladiesonly #fitclub #thornwood #walthamabbey #chingford #cheshunt #enfield #harlow #epping #bodytransformation #essexfitness #eppingfitness ...
We love to see your progress. We actively encourage progressive overload so that your muscles grow, become stronger and endurance becomes greater. The weights you started your journey will be different to the weights you use now. What has your journey looked like. Comment below 👇👇👇.
#fitness #thisgirlcan #outdoortraining #freshair #feelinggreat #8weektransformation #happy #moving #motivation #ladiesonly #fitatanyage #8weektransformation #abfabfitclub #ladiesonly #fitclub #thornwood #walthamabbey #chingford #cheshunt #enfield #harlow #epping #bodytransformation #essexfitness #eppingfitness ...